while fixing a bug on mozilla regression project i found a bug which wanted to determine wether my system is win32 or win64 and by default make download 32 bit version
i havnt fixed the bug yet
but i think i have found a way to determine whether the system is using windows 32 bit or 64 bit using the following code
which is a very short code actually
import _winreg windowsbit = get_registry_value( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment", "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") print windowsbit
i had a itch with my windows system i wanted to explore into the windows registry and get way to find the ram and cpu usage of the system . so i wrote a code to get them
import ctypes def ram(): kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 c_ulong = ctypes.c_ulong class MEMORYSTATUS(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('dwLength', c_ulong), ('dwMemoryLoad', c_ulong), ('dwTotalPhys', c_ulong), ('dwAvailPhys', c_ulong), ('dwTotalPageFile', c_ulong), ('dwAvailPageFile', c_ulong), ('dwTotalVirtual', c_ulong), ('dwAvailVirtual', c_ulong) ] memoryStatus = MEMORYSTATUS() memoryStatus.dwLength = ctypes.sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS) kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatus(ctypes.byref(memoryStatus)) mem = memoryStatus.dwTotalPhys / (1024*1024) availRam = memoryStatus.dwAvailPhys / (1024*1024) if mem >= 1000: mem = mem/1000 totalRam = str(mem) + ' GB' else: # mem = mem/1000000 totalRam = str(mem) + ' MB' return (totalRam, availRam) print"ram is :" print ram()
This next code snippet is used to find out what processor is in the client PC:
i am using the wmi and pythoncom module if i fail to get the registry values using _winreg (windows registry errors like windows registry path doesnot exist )
def cpu(): try: cputype = get_registry_value( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", "ProcessorNameString") except: import wmi, pythoncom pythoncom.CoInitialize() c = wmi.WMI() for i in c.Win32_Processor (): cputype = i.Name pythoncom.CoUninitialize() if cputype == 'AMD Athlon(tm)': c = wmi.WMI() for i in c.Win32_Processor (): cpuspeed = i.MaxClockSpeed cputype = 'AMD Athlon(tm) %.2f Ghz' % (cpuspeed / 1000.0) elif cputype == 'AMD Athlon(tm) Processor': import wmi c = wmi.WMI() for i in c.Win32_Processor (): cpuspeed = i.MaxClockSpeed cputype = 'AMD Athlon(tm) %s' % cpuspeed else: pass return cputype
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